Friday, 8 July 2011

Garden Shed

Garden Shed - Hockney style
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Darla said...

I double clicked to extra enlarge and I want this shed!

Ingrid said...

Don't know what to say but laugh ! it looks like ours !

George said...

This is a pretty fancy garden shed.

Anonymous said...

What a great hide-away!

Lanny said...

I like the photo treatment - (can't think of how to say that at the moment, no coffee this morning- no cream, no coffee!) Any way I like it it makes the shed intriguing. Clicked on the link, different, similar, but different from the big city scape. The city scape is obvious but your shed is subtle and enchanting.

Betty Manousos said...

lovely, so lovely garden shed!

great shot, as usual!

have a good weekend!

Betty Manousos said...

i love the new header.
so cheerful and quirky!

Becca's Dirt said...

That's one fancy garden shed. Love it. Send it to me. I'll pay the shipping. smile.

ju-north said...

Now that's what I call a shed!

Unknown said...

Well it's certainly better than the doghouse that you usually end up in!

Anonymous said...

It is a lot prettier than mine.

Jinksy said...

I could live in that...

Unknown said...

This is awesome and I love the effect!