Sunday, 20 March 2011

Rising of theFull SuperMoon

7pm Saturday 19-03-11 - The Full Moon rising with a street lamp - to show how big the Supermoon was with its orange tinge and bewitching feeling in the air. - I was out last night, but didnt see a werewolf around.

8pm Saturday 19-03-11 During the hour as the Full Moon arose it had lost its orange tinge and was brighter but had this beautiful halo around it and still there was that bewiching feeling in the air.
I'm told it will be another 19yrs before we see the moon this close again ----
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Christmas-etc... said...

Thanks so much for these gorgeous photos! We have 80% days and nights without cloud cover but yesterday evening... they rolled over the city and I missed the event!! (And it was beautiful all day!) These are great shots!!
Have a nice Sunday!

Cezar and Léia said...

It was also a beautiful view over here! :) But I didn't record the scene in a photograph, so thanks for having done so!
God bless you!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Stewart, We took our chairs out on the golf course fairway and waited for the Super Moon. Since we live in the mountains, it not only had to come over a mountain --but there were clouds on the horizon. SO---we had to wait... We saw it but by then it was high in the sky... Pretty though... We took pictures but yours are better.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot of the moon. Thanks for the visit.

Anonymous said...

Wow - fabulous shots. (Mine were awful - so I'm in awe!)

Anonymous said...

Great shots.
What lens did you use and what were the camera settings?

Jinksy said...

Bother - I never got to see the orange bit, and the white edition didn't even look that big to me... Swindle! Thank you for the pics you took, to make up for my not seeing it in the flesh! LOL

Unknown said...

I saw the moon last night, but it didn't seem to be any bigger than normal

Marka said...

Nice pair of photographs!

Rick said...

Nice captures, Stewart !

It was quite hazy here last night - I wasn't happy with my captures. Maybe it'll be clear 19 years from now ;-)

Ingrid said...

I saw it here too, was really amazing. I wonder if it was that that I felt so lunatic. (Luna means moon in Italian) Beautiful picture !

Betty Manousos said...

Gorgeous series of photos!
Thanks for documenting the full moon.

Happy Monday!

Maude Lynn said...

Beautiful shots!