Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Playing with Photoshop Elements 6

With Belton in Mind

What do you think? also wanting a title
my thoughts are
1) Man in the Mist
2) Pulling the wool over their eyes
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Darla said...

Def. Man in the mist.

George said...

I would go with Pulling the wool over their eyes.

Unknown said...

The Invisible Man would be good too

Anonymous said...

Love that second title! Wonderful texture to the photo.

Dave Cawkwell said...

Going on what the weather is here this morning its more the Man in the Fog.

Anonymous said...

The man in the mist.

Ingrid said...

I am also inspired by mist !

But it could also be a picture taken behind a cat fur curtain

Betty Manousos said...

Def. Man in the Mist.

Happy Wednesday!

Lew said...

The man behind the curtain, but not the Wizard of Oz!