Saturday, 12 February 2011

Near -N- Far

St Ives Cornwall.
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ju-north said...

Lovely! Looks like somewhere abroad!

Cezar and Léia said...

What a wonderful beach and you seem to have positioned yourself in the most creative spot to take the picture!
God bless you!

Darla said...

Love the contrast of the greens and blues.

Ingrid said...

This afternoon I saw "Escape to the country" in Cornwall and now here again. I absolutely have to go there one day it's so beautiful.

George said...

This is absolutely beautiful. I really like the composition of this photo.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine living somewhere that has no beach, no ocean, no rivers, no lakes, nothing tropical, and everything covered in ice and snow and it being colder than the freezer in your refrigerator. That's where I am. It is almost cruel and inhuman treatment to expose some of us to scenes so warm and tropical looking. What else can I say?

Rick said...

Nice framing of that beach scene Stewart !

And I like your wall of water too - beats a wall of worry any day !

Have a wonderful Sunday.

Sunny said...

☼ Sunny