Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Tis Time for our Header Challenge and its Tom Fishing Guy to pick the theme this week = WATER.

My Header is a shot from our holiday cottage in St Ives - Cornwall, called "Cottage Window View".

My Posts all 4 of them explain themselves, hope you enjoy the different water features. (click on the photo to enlarge)

Dont forget to visit our Hradbangers and comment. Lanny - from Victory Farms, who can certainly tell a story with lots of info.
Tom Fishing Guy - who's into his fishing and big band sounds. Gailsman - who enjoys going out for meals , with his DW Gail and also with his workmates. Dave - who enjoys his Photography (like us all) also technical stuff. and me imac - who has moments of insanity within his blog., find these wonderful friends on my sidebar, just underneath my Header.
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Becca's Dirt said...

Those are some stunning photos. I'm lovin the last one with the pink hue. It is magical.

Sunny said...

Wonderful images; the water droplets look like diamonds.
☼ Sunny

Rune Eide said...

Anything with a ship in it gets my vote - especially a sailing vessel like this :-)

Marvellous setting too.

George said...

I'm not sure how you could pick only one of these to be your header, but I realize you had to do that. Although I like the color in your last photo, that beautiful sailing ship convinces me that you made the right choice.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Love them all, great shots.

SandyCarlson said...

What a wonderful place. Thanks for sharing the view. You done great!

EBet said...

Not EBet, EBet's mom, Lanny. Clicking to come here seems to have caused my computer a severe head-ache. At least it appears it is your fault, could be the crummy cord, or the breaking apart screen, or the overheating, but.... This way I can say you owe me! Hey, thanks for the nice way of sayin' I'll talk your ear off. Funny, today, thought I was terribly late (I was but apparently so are some others) so I didn't say much, well on my own blog that is. So now here I am burning up the rest of all my words. Arncha lucky?! Oh yeah, by the way, I like the view and lemme tell you how glad I am that I clicked on your musical interlude. What a treat, haven't heard that fella's singing since I tried getting my girls to really love science. It worked on a couple, at least one other one just turned up a horrible singer. It seems we must get other people's evaporation, because our precipitation far out ways the amount that could possible evaporate in that one week in the summer.

DeniseinVA said...

What a gorgeous view from your cottage, just love that old sailing ship. In fact I love all these images.

Jackie said...

I love your photography. My granddaughter was standing here at the computer with me when I opened your page...and she wanted to see more of your photographs!
I showed her a lot of them; what great work you do, Stewart.

Lew said...

St Ives is a beautiful place for a window view of the sea! You, your camera and water always make a great visual combination!
PS: the word fo rthis comment is "undeno", maybe I will figure out what it means.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful water pictures, Stewart.. I especially love the duck one... Fabulous reflection.

Rick said...

Ok Stewart - I hold you responsible for my time well wasted at this late hour as I get caught up on all your posts and photos. Lovely I might add, and your header is 'bang on' !

Anonymous said...

Water photos are nice to see. We have frozen water either as ice or snow. It will be a while before we get real water outside.

No, I do not belong to the Masons. The building is just in our town and that is why I photographed it. I think I have photographed all buildings or businesses in town.

Dave Cawkwell said...

Great window shot mate, I love your macro water drops too they look as if it's raining diamonds.

Craver Vii said...

All those diamonds look just like droplets of water! ;-)

Ingrid said...

The photos or gorgeous ! Water as theme ? yes with all the floods we have even here in little Belgium it's inspiring !

Anonymous said...

Love the water droplets, they look like ice to me.