Friday, 7 January 2011

Phun Prize Post 8

Ok fellow rescuers, Here is your Lady to be rescued.
She has been turned into stone and mud, and needs to be woken up - but that comes later.

It is your job Rune the Viking and Craver the Laser to awaken her, but 1st you must find her, somewhere in the UK.

Send you answers as to where she is by email to me.
Then comment here that you are on your way.
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Rune Eide said...

The Vikings have been everywhere - or can pretend to at least.

But to wake her ...

Craver Vii said...

RuneE, could this be one of those spells where she must be woken up by true love's kiss? Erm, she is lovely, I'm sure, but this isn't working for me. Would you care to give it a try? Believe it or not, she has a sister. I wonder what the parents look like.

Ingrid said...

Fortunately it's a lady so I don't have to kiss her to wake her up ! and Mr. G doesn't kiss other woman, (at least I think so) !

Lanny said...

Oh sure, as if I don't already have enough projects in my gardens going and more to do, you have to show me this clever garden sculpture and a new twist to raised beds. Thanks a lot, I do believe you owe me yet another pint for this trouble you've caused.

Hopefully no one wakes her up, she looks so nice just the way she is, unless of course by "wake up" you mean she sprouts some lovely blooms all over herself like a million freckles.

Unknown said...

She obviously likes sleeping in a flower bed!

Jackie said...

Someone is clever to turn this stone into a sleeping lady...and I do hope that Craver or RunE will find her...I have no doubt that they will.
Great photo, Stewart!
Smiles from Jackie

Cezar and Léia said...

Almost perfectly camouflaged!
God bless you!

Lew said...

I know not where she lies, though I think I have seen her before. The stone creature justs grins - I think he knows her location.

ancient one said...

one of my favorites... think I saw her before on one of your blogs..