Friday, 21 January 2011

Looking for Mr Bean?

Have you ever seen Mr Bean? if so you will remember how he came to be on our Planet Earth - from a shaft of light from Heaven.
To watch a short film with Mr Bean - (click here)
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Cezar and Léia said...

ahhh thanks for this big smile here, you always come with lights and good energies for our weekend! :)

Lew said...

Mr. Bean was on one of our channels several years back, but have not seen him recently. Funny, funny guy!

George said...

This is a great picture of Mr. Bean's path to Earth.

Julie said...


Unknown said...

If DW's looking for you, then does that make you Mr Bean?

Ingrid said...

He is the best ! This video came just in time to have a good laughter while it's grey and rainy outside when I got up !!

Staffan H said...

Mr Bean was very popular in Sweden, but I never figured out how he came to this earth. Now I know thanks to you.

Rune Eide said...

I hope he didn't hit her! Oh well, he never knows where he is going anyhow :-)

Unknown said...

Apparently, WP met Mr. Bean in a hotel or B&B or somewhere like that in or outside of London. He reported that was shy but in possession of a friendly demeanor, all around. :-)

Regarding your musical choice, only yesterday I was looking at used CDs by EBTG at a local shop!

Katney said...

I didn't knwo that about Mr. Bean.

Goodness! That explains a lot.

Sunny said...

Mr. Bean is a nut! He always makes me laugh.
☼ Sunny