Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Header Challenge 26-01-11 = Pipes

Our Dave chose this weeks Header Challenge - "Pipes" - Ive asked our Headbanger Team if poss to post early this week as we Have to take MIL home early thurs morn.

Pipes = give us a great choice of photos for this theme - My Posts no 1 = is the Mighty Organ from a Church we visited some time ago.
This is certainly a Mighty Organ.

My 2nd post pic is from Nottinghams (Gailsmans area) Riverside fair and its the famous Steam Organ, I really love to hear these play.

My 3rd Post pic (Dave will love this one) is - Scottish Bagpipes - I really enjoy this sound too, and love the dances that go with the Bagpipes.

My 4th and last post pic comes from Austria (Tom Fishing Guy has visited here) The local Postman and his friend played at the Hotel we stopped at in Waidring. This is a smoking pipe and he went around to see if some of us had enuf Puff to keep the pipe alight.
Me included - Yup I did have the puff to.lol.

Now - My Header is also from Austria - up the mountain side were these cows and they were sussing (checking) out these pipes, I just had to add one of the cows thoughts of these pipes - Milking Pipes?? poor old Mildred. lol.
I think Lanny will like this one - Its a farming theme.

Please visit the other Headbangers and leave your comments please - you will find the team on my side bar - just underneath my Header.

Also check-out my youtube pipe music - I reckon you will find this most interesting?

Let the Challenge commence -
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Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great 'pipe' pictures, Stewart... My favorite BY FAR is the Pipe Organ. WOW--how fabulous!!!!

Rune Eide said...

I love Scotland, so the Piper for me!
Perhaps with a wee single malt?

Darla said...

Very interesting. Hope your trip was a safe one.

Anonymous said...

Nice shots. I enjoyed having a look at the cows in the header too.

Ingrid said...

As I love cows the header is of course my favourite picture !

Becca's Dirt said...

Great choice for pipes. Love that huge organ. Great header choice.

George said...

These are all great pictures for the theme. I really do like the church pipe organ, but who could resist those beautiful cows?

Rick said...

Very interesting music indeed Stewart as is the video ! Would love to hear that might organ play also ! Great shots on the theme, and a wonderful header ;-)

[the word verification was 'angst' - something I think Mildred must have been experiencing ;-) ]

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Love your header and all the other photos of pipes.

Sunny said...

Excellent pipe pictures! But I am concerned for Mildred - LOL!
☼ Sunny

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely theme to this post. All great photos.

Dave Cawkwell said...

Very Mooooving header there Stewart. I love all your pipes and yes especially the Scottish ones.

Craver Vii said...

Clever. I like the great finds, and the comments. The video was fun. I like that kind of perky music and creativity.

Unknown said...

Seems like you have covered most variations of the theme. Surprised you didn't shoot a pipedream though!

Jackie said...

Love the photos you posted regarding the themes. Clevuh! Very clevuh, my friend....and, as always, excellent photos!!!

SandyCarlson said...

I love the header. I imagine a cow or bull listening for a secret message at the other end of those pipes!

All these photos are gorgeous, Stewart.

Cezar and Léia said...

Lucky you , what a fabulous trip!
I loved that organ (first pic) and I'm also enchanted by your header!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention, when I was here the other day, that we visited Biltmore House and they had a large organ there. Have you ever heard of this place?


Barbara said...

Great variety of pipes!