Sunday, 9 January 2011

Garden Worker

Thought I would show you one of our little Garden Workers, hard at it - lol - thats why its in a bit of a mess at the moment,lol.
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Darla said...

It's always a mess when you garden!

Jackie said...

But look how nicely he poses for a photo! :)))

ju-north said...

Good to have help when needed!

Lew said...

Be careful of these little guys! Chuck Sambuchino has documented their mischievous ways in "How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack: Defend Yourself When the Lawn Warriors Strike (And They Will)" [available from amazon].

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh--I WANT one.... He is so cute!!!! I need him for our garden... Think he'll help pull the weeds????

Unknown said...

Send him over here, as our garden is in a mess too. He could be your older brother, as there is a family resemblance!

Rune Eide said...

A so-called Still-photo :-)

Unknown said...

What a fine little fella! I have a thing for gnomes. :-)

Lanny said...

hmm I strike a similar pose often (minus the beard of course) are you sayin' that's not a good way to garden?

SandyCarlson said...

What a cool dude. Does he hire out?

Laura~peach~ said...

got more than 60 of those lazy bums in my garden and yard... the most honest ones are in hammocks LOL

Betty Manousos said...

Love it! How cute!

DeniseinVA said...

I wonder if one of his American cousins would come and help me with my garden? ;)

Craver Vii said...

I like that book Lew mentioned. I hope they have it in my library.

Ingrid said...

My 16 year old neighbor boy has a whole garden gnome collection sitting in the front garden, I have to show him yours, because such busy worker he doesn't have !

Sunny said...

The only thing cuter than a gnome is a Cornish Piskie! LOL!
☼ Sunny

Cezar and Léia said...

He is so sweet and I think he is very happy posing for your camera! :)