Thursday, 26 August 2010

Bridges on the Manchester canal 1

Some of the wonderful Bridges on the Manchester Shipping Canal,
also another set of Locks.

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Sunny said...

These pictures are fantastic. Love all the bridges!
☼ Sunny

DeniseinVA said...

Fantastic photos here, so interesting.
An English Girl Rambles

George said...

You've shown a wonderful variety of bridge styles! I'm really enjoying this cruise.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great photos, Stewart.... I love seeing the bridges...

Have a great weekend.

SandyCarlson said...

Engineering marvels. Who thinks up these designs? Amazing.

Love that header!

Lew said...

Love the variation in styles of the bridges. And your reflected swans is a stunning header! Thanks for your comment on my header. The companions to that shot are my Sky Watch this week.

Ingrid said...

Great photos ! Your header is just ... don't know what to say.

Cezar and Léia said...

I love bridges and you took great pictures!

Katney said...

I'm thinking about how often I have to rotate a picture a few degrees and crop it because I get the horizon line all wonky. These are perfectly straight, besides being otherwise perfectly shot.

Unknown said...

I love how the contrast is so different in locations with alot of water. Everything is... dusty... here. LOL! Great shots!

Betty Manousos said...

Love all the bridges!!
Interesting shots!
Lovely colours and composition.