Sunday, 29 August 2010

Birds of the Shipping Canal 1

As we cruised down the Manchester Canal - I spotted this Heron upon this branch - when ---

When all of a sudden, it took flight, quick, I thought, follow that bird -- click click click.
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Anonymous said...

You were quick - well done!

Cezar and Léia said...

Dear Imac,
Your pictures are wonderful.Love the motion in the second shot, fantastic!
Happy Sunday

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gorgeous pictures of the heron, Stewart... I especially like the one in flight.

Have a great day.

Betty Manousos said...

These are sweet and rare shots!

Great Header! Love the animal reflections!


Ingrid said...

Herons always look so elegant !

George said...

You did a wonderful job of capturing the heron in flight. Of course, the first picture is pretty wonderful as well.

SandyCarlson said...

Stunning. They are a sample of prehistoric grace and beauty.

Anonymous said...

Good for you to capture a heron in flight and love your swan song header.

Katney said...


Rick said...

Phew - in the nick of time, I'd say - that heron almost flew right out of your frame ;-)

Great captures mac!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Glad you followed it into the sky. Did it give that irritating Squawk sound?

Ingrid said...

Herons always look so elegant !

Unknown said...

Great action shots! I love big birds, they are so graceful but it doesn't seem like they should be able to be. You know?