Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Cathedral Gravestone

This Gravestone took my attention as this lady passed away 200 yrs before I was born, and she dyed at the age of 80, thats some years in that time.
Click to enlarge.
Just found  Medumsley - or Medomsley and found this surname. here.
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Sunny said...

I think the average lifespan at that time was mid-40's, so to live to 80 was remarkable.
☼ Sunny

Darla said...

yes it is....

Unknown said...

WOW... 80yo was incredible back then. They must have thought she was a witch. :oP

Ingrid said...

That's indeed amazing, but how do they know ? there hasn't been a birth record at that time I think.

Becca's Dirt said...

Amazing that she lived so long.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Living to 80 back then had to have been VERY unusual...

Rune Eide said...

It is a marvel that the stone is till kept intact and has not been "recycled".

George said...

This is truly amazing. What a great find.

Jan said...

80 back in those days ,wow ,I love to wander around grave yards imagining the lives of the people buried there ..love Jan xx

Sciarada said...

Hi Imac, this is fascinating and interesting,you are right, it would be nice to know how she lived.

Betty Manousos said...

What an amazing find, Imac. Thanks for sharing it :)