Thursday, 11 March 2010

Harris Hawk (seen in Wales)

Posted by PicasaJust before we walked over the Aquaduct, there was this chappie with a Harris Hawk on his arm, well, you dont need to ask, of course I asked him if he minded his photo being taken, no sooner as I started taking their photos - there were no less than 12 other people milling aroud with their cameras, but I had mine all done and dusted by then.
If you are interested in the info of the Harris Hawk click here.


Sunny said...

Fantastic pictures. What a handsome bird.
Sunny :)

Unknown said...

WOW!!!! Mac these are brilliant. Really, great shots!!

erm... at the risk of sounding dumb... hospital tomorrow? Are you selling stuff I hope and not checking in or anything?

Anonymous said...

I think this is the first time I have ever seen the Harris Hawk. A nice hawk with a very large beak for tearing out chunks to eat. Nice photos.

Unknown said...

You have a hawk-eye, that's why you were the first!

I have a fondness for large birds. I'm hoping to photograph some herons this summer.

It's almost the week-end! Be well, my friend. At least, I hope you are well.

Darla said...

Aren't you the lucky photographer? These are wonderful.

Kerri Farley said...

Absolutely stunning! WOW!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

love the last pic best what a brilliant shot! love those eyes

Anonymous said...

Guess we were both thinking about fowl things today.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Trying to catch up, Mac... We had a wonderful Birthday celebration and got home today!!! I'll post a blog tomorrow morning.

Great pictures!!!

joey said...

My, what a handsome fella'! Awesome shots.

Ingrid said...

What a bird ! and so evil eyes ! but very handsome. Beautiful picture !

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Imac - what a stunning creature! Your shot of it with it's wings open is a total beaut!

Anonymous said...

He's a lovely fellow :o)

JPT said...

A Harris Hawk in Wales - I wondered for a minute!

bowledover said...

Wonderful Imac and it looks as though the hawk was not camera shy.
Its so wonderful to see these birds of prey close up.
Thank you.

Craver Vii said...

It's a beauty!

Cezar and Léia said...

What a beautiful animal! In Moscow there was a Kremlin guard with a hawk too and when we meant to take a picture of his hawk the swindler wanted to get paid for it! Ha!
God bless you!

smokepole said...

Absolutely stunning! WOW!

Tom said...

What a beauty this is as well....
Harris Hawks are very social birds and both wild and trained Harrises will hunt together, with one helping the other to make a kill. Years ago I was lucky enough to go out hunting with a friend who owned one of these beauties. Alas I was not into taking pictures back then... These are stunning thought Stewart.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Truly a real beauty, I love birds of prey.

Staffan H said...

Brilliant photos!