Saturday, 6 February 2010

Steep Hill Lincoln City UK

Yes, its a mighty steep hill, but thats what the road is called "Steep Hill".
Yes, the lamp post is bent, and has been for a nomber of years,
but thats what makes Lincoln more interesting to walk around and explore so stay with me for a while as I take you around Lincoln City UK.
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Stinky said...

There better be a pub near The Bent Lamp Post ... which I think is a great name for a pub by the way ... or you won't see Stinky making that trek up ... down? ... no problem


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Steep Hill, huh??? Perfect name I guess. I'd enjoy walking down more than walking UP... ha ha

Unknown said...

Bet you were a bit out of breath when you got to the top. Still there's some good views to be had. Well on a clear day anyway!

Sunny said...

Maybe after a couple of pints at the pub, that lamp post looks straight! Ha-ha!
Sunny :)

Darla said...

Steep hill and leaning lightpost...just adds character!

Unknown said...

It's such a beautiful city, I will look forward to your tour.

DeniseinVA said...

I look forward to more lovely photos of this area.

Staffan H said...

I will definitely follow you on your tour around Lincoln City and look forward to it.

Anonymous said...

Definitely not a hill to tackle on a frosty day!

Anonymous said...

Too many people leaned on the lamp post to catch their breath when they got to the top of the hill!!

George said...

There has to be a story behind that bent lamp post.

Tom said...

I am going to enjoy this trip around Lincoln.. That Lamp post is very good... :O) I had the urge to dig out my old ukulele and start singing....

I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street,
In case a certain little lady comes by.

Oh me, oh my, I hope the little lady comes by.

I don't know if she'll get away, She doesn't always get away,

But anyhow I know that she'll try.
Oh me, oh my, I hope the little lady comes by,

There's no other girl I would wait for, But this one I'd break any date for,

I won't have to ask what she's late for, She wouldn't have to leave me flat,
She's not a girl like that.

Oh, she's absolutely wonderful, and marvellous and beautiful.
And anyone can understand why,
I'm leaning on a lamp-post at the corner of the street
In case a certain little lady passes by.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Cute shot with the lamppost. I could hear Tom singing his song for you.

Unknown said...

This looks like my kind of town! Straight lines and level roads, perfect lamp posts... they're all SO overrated!

Craver Vii said...

It must be so difficult to build or fix things on that slope.