Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Short break today

Sorry - just not had time to visit anyone today as we have been out early this morn till 9pm, we have been to Hull and visited the Deep.(pics to follow next week)
Hull is just over the Humber Bridge(pic)
See you all at the Header Challenge - which will be posted at 9pm UK time in future to make it easier for all team members to be around.
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Hi Nice photo!

Craver Vii said...

How wonderful! I just noticed the red triangle, instructing the drivers to slalom for the next 1/2 mile. I'm on my way!

DeniseinVA said...

I have enjoyed all your photos and this one is lovely! My 'comment' problems are all sorted out now. I downloaded another server that apparently was more compatible with everyone's blogs. Phew!!!

Tom said...

Hi Stewart...
Sorry I've not been round about this week... viry tired my friend..
Love all the pictures I've missed, and the ones with the colour reflections are as good as they get.. truely awesome.

Catch you in a while for the header..

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: That is a neat bridge from the road.

Unknown said...

Not sure why you wanted to go to Hull, it's supposed to be one of the worst places in the UK.

George said...

I like your picture of the bridge.

George said...

I like your picture of the bridge.