Friday, 5 February 2010

Lincoln City

With using my Bus Pass, a Dull,wet,Misty,day out at Lincoln city, but very enjoyable one.
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Anonymous said...

I was born in Lincoln but have never been there since! Glad you had a good time. Have a good weekend :o)

George said...

Your picture does a great job of re-enforcing American stereotypes about British weather.

Unknown said...

Awesome! I love the way the rain makes everything smudged and blurry. Great shot imac!

Craver Vii said...

Be careful out there, Imac! The cars are all driving on the wrong side of the road.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

double decker??? i have never seen one in person....

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Hey Mac, everyone is driving on the wrong side of the road. They have to be careful in that rain, even in a double-decker bus. Hey, Craver already used that joke.

Anonymous said...

Have Bus Pass, will travel.

Unknown said...

Oh boy, does this ever look like England lol! Have a great weekend and no lying face down on the front lawn now!

Tom said...

Help the Aged on tour.. ha!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

The city looks busy --despite the weather, Mac.... Great picture from the BUS.

Unknown said...

Not been to Lincoln for about 20 years. The hill up to the cathedral is good. Steep but quite photogenic.

Unknown said...

Oh I bet I could find some great shops to spend money in there in Lincoln! Nice photo!

Martha said...

Neat misty shot. Glad it was a good day - enjoy the rest of the weekend! :-)

A home far away said...

Really nice shot!

//Gunilla in Singapore

Fernando Pagán said...

A brillant Imagen.Congratulations!

Sunny said...

Very cool shot. The green traffic signal really catches your eye.
Sunny :)

Lew said...

Your DW showed talent at an early age! Good header, but I also liked Gailsman's cockerel waiting to cross the road. Looks like you hd a nice ride through Lincoln. Our day here is not one for riding around - snow is still falling. It is beautiful, but moving it to go somewhere will be a lot of work. And the temperature is going to drop well below freezing later today.

Staffan H said...

I like that soft focus effect. It brings atmosphere to the photo and makes the town look even busier.