Saturday, 13 February 2010

Lincoln Cathedral inside 2 -3

At the moment we are in the Nave and 2 small Stained Glass windows.
Please stay with me for a while, as I have many more from inside, theres lots to show.
Please click to enlarge and enjoy.
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Unknown said...

Great composed shots imac.

Coy Hill said...

What impressive architecture and photographed acquisitively

Marka said...

I like the stained glass! Are the odds in our favour that we'll see more stained glass?

Sunny said...

Breathtaking. The windows are magnificent.
Sunny :)

Dar said...

This takes my breath away...the stained glass windows are so intricate...thanks for sharing this lovely cathedral...oh to travel through your eyes. I am humbled.
God Bless

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful place.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Fabulous, Mac... Love those stained-glass windows. Just takes my breath away.

Thanks for sharing this with us.

Ingrid said...

I have seen so many cathedrals all over a part of the world, that they all look now the same to me, lol !

Rune Eide said...

I fell for the windows!