Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Header 03-02-10 = Cockerel - Rooster.

All systems go for our Header this week.
My choice - Cockerel - Rooster.
I changed my mind in mid-stream of doing my post this week, as Iwas going with my friend Twangy, but now my Header is = a photo of a painting by DW of a Cockerel - Hen and a baby Chick, which was painted when she was only 12 years old, which was *******years ago.

My Post
1) - The Cockerel - Rooster.
2) - The en - product from the Hen and Cockerel.
3 ) - Please meet my friend - Twangy The singing Cockerel
(who you will meet at a later time).

We have 2 contenders joining in this week with the Headbangers Team all hoping to win the Gold shield - which one of us will Crow with pleasure when the gold shield is won.


Please visit all and leave your comments and who do you think will win this week.

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Tom said...

Excellent Header.... my that picture as lasted well... I do hope the 'Old Master' is fine.....

Catch you later for the voting... off to see who else as posted.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Cute header for sure. I like your first photo of the rooster. I couldn't find even one and I went to a farm supply store.

Unknown said...

Lucky having an artist on tap. Glad to see DW's painting looks as well as she does.

Darla said...


James said...

I love it. :)

Anonymous said...

I like the roosters of all the chickens.

Anonymous said...

I like the roosters of all the chickens.

Martha said...

Hi imac! I'm just getting home from work, sorry I'm so late swinging by to check things out. Great job on your header and entry - so many roosters and here I had a hard time finding one!

George said...

I like DW's painting a great deal. But I am looking forward to learning more about Twangy.

Carletta said...

I've visited the others and I think you win Imac!
Love this painting! Does DW still paint? She was quite good at 12.

Anonymous said...

Nice header by DW and photographic chickens everywhere you winner you.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Very nice, Mac, but I think Tom (Fishing Guy) has you beat this week --just with his creativity!!!!

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello Imac, your post is adorable and the header really cute.I think DW is very talented! :)

ju-north said...

Please tell DW I am waiting to see the header as a textile!

Ingrid said...

Wow ! the Rooster is a real handsome boy ! I kind of George Clooney for chickens !

Sunny said...

Sorry you didn't win, I think your pictures are great, really like the header.
Sunny :)_

Craver Vii said...

When she was 12? Gee, I don't think I have anything from the age of 12 except memories. Blessings to you both.

DW said...

Less of the ******years, cheeky!

DeniseinVA said...

I do love that header. What a fine artist for a 12 year old. Lovely post!

Joanne said...

I loved this header theme when I saw it on martha's blog. So original! Especially for those of us who don't happen to have pictures of chickens in our repertoire.

BLOGitse said...

Very roostery header you have.
"Kukko kiekuu!" rooster says or sings in Finnish :)