Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Groundhog Day........02-02-10

This is the new replacement for GroundHog Day.
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Martha said...

LOL! Love it! :-)

Jackie said...

Oooh...I see your shadow. Did YOU see your shadow. You know what you have to do now!

Anonymous said...

Is that you in an earflap hat or some Star Wars character?

Tom said...

As mad as a hatter... ;o)

Lew said...

So you are willing to get up before dawn and stand out in the snow to look for a shadow? And then get blamed for all the cold and wet until the flowers bloom? Your header this week should get a prize for most unusual!

Ingrid said...

I get scared, lol !

Anonymous said...

So does that mean winter's over? Can never remember which way round it is........

Darla said...

So what does that mean, more winter or not? lol

Michele said...

Oh ok, I'm ok with that! Never did like that rodent... kept leaping out of holes and making funny faces at me so this shadow works for me!! Haha...

Cezar and Léia said...

Adorable hat! :)
Wonderful idea Imac, it's beautiful!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

So Lincolnshire Mac and Punxsutawney Phil had the same prediction. Six more weeks of Winter for sure.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

FUNNY, Mac.... What is up with PETA--wanted a robot to replace the groundhog???..GADS--what idiots.

George said...

Oh, no! I was hoping you wouldn't see your shadow!

Anonymous said...

Lols! You not only saw your shadow but photographed it too - what does that mean for winter??

Unknown said...

LOL! Most excellent...

Unknown said...


Sunny said...

Oh no! Six more YEARS of winter!!
Sunny :)