Saturday, 20 February 2010

From the Deep (1)

We enter and climb the stairs to the top(or take the lift) and then we slowly go round and round and down, looking into the many windows of the Deep tanks.
Regretfully no flash was allowed, so some pics are blured, but you will get the idea of what its like.
Apart from the many kids about,being pushed - shoved, ect, we did however enjoy our trip to the Deep, there are some amazing things here.
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Cezar and Léia said...

Thanks for sharing this, it seems to be really an interesting visit! Looking forward to more!
God bless you!

Darla said...

What colorful fish.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Very cool look at all the fishes.

JaviZ said...

I really like it! Can we see some more of the series? I don't mind a bit of blur...

Javier Echaiz

Katney said...

That is a rather mysterious looking picture.

Unknown said...

Unlike the fish, you've got me hooked!

Tom said...

I live with a monster from the deep.... but don't tell her I said that.. ;o)
I'll be calling back to see more from here.

Sunny said...

I love all the fish colors. If they don't allow a flash, I imagine fish poles are out of the question. Ha-ha! Just joking!
Sunny :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow---what a great aquarium, Mac.... I didn't know what the 'Deep' was until now... Great name for it!!! I love seeing all of the different colored fish. Neat!!!!

Hope you have a great weekend and week ahead. We are headed to Arkansas tomorrow.

Jackie said...

Love your photos...and your language. I'm supposing that 'lift' is 'elevator'...
What beautiful fish. More...more...please.