At first glance this was heading for the bin, but the movement in this photo in the light blue area caught my eye, and the more I looked at it, the more I liked it.
I guess with being married to an Artist, Lines and patterns have now entered my life and I see my photos in a different way.
"What say you?"
I like it. There's a lot of swirling movement in the picture and the colours are vivid.
Yes dear Imac,your Julie is really special.For sure her light energie brings different colours in your life.
This picture is amazing!I see life in this picture as well!
And I also see a puppy!
A beautiful Sunday for you and your lovely wife!
Tis a very interesting photo. Being married, to an artist or not, I bet you see a lot of things differently. lol
I like it; blurred images can be very interesting and exciting. Moreover, I think it's not only because you are married to an artist that lines etc are important to you. These things are also important parts when composing a photo so they have probably been important to you longer than you think (but perhaps your wife drew your attention to it?).
Very cool! :-)
It shows that something is happening. I'm getting more and more into "lines and curves" myself.
I might have cropped it a bit, but it's an interesting 'modern art' picture, nevertheless.
It's nowt to do with living with an artist.... it is more to do with you looking at life from through the bottom of a beer glass or three...
Ha! hope you and Julie are fine..
I agree with your wife, Mac. The lines and patterns and colors make that picture. VERY nice.
Have a great week.
Betsy--on the road to Arkansas
Photographers are artists...
Beautiful lines and movement, Imac!
Love the movement, colors and composition of this shot, my friend... And yep, we are always "mixing" our mind and souls with the people sharing our lives.
You know me, I am a fan of abstract appearing water shocks, especially with a creature within.
This is a very artsy photo - nicely done!!!
Well worth keeping! Photography becomes abstract art.
oh yes i say 'right on'. this is superb.
I say it's a keeper for sure! I really like this shot!
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