Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Skywatch (3)

Welcome to Skywatch (3)- you happy skywatchers.

My SW photos come from Heckington Show this week.

The RED DEVILS squad free fall parachute down to the main arena.

Here they are as they jump from the plane, and then parachute down with flares and banners.

3 of the RED DEVILS join together then split, such a fantastic sight and photo oppotunity.

I hope you all will enjoy yourselves this week at SW and hope you all around the world have a happy weekend. (imac)



Pat - Arkansas said...

Too cool, Imac! I love to watch sky-divers, but the idea of doing it myself gives me the shivers! Neat Sky Watch photos!

Rune Eide said...

Amazing and impressive - but I'll stay on the ground...

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: What a cool Sky show for SWF.

Ellyn said...

very impressive. I love your header too. Looks like a great fall day.

Dewdrop said...

Isn't that amazing! Great shots, Imac. Looks like a fantastic show!

Juliana said... shots

Mine in here Thanks

Anonymous said...

I like ALL ur sky series

Hope you can Visit me also Thanks

ArneA said...

Spectacular and impressive

Anonymous said...

Whoa - that's impressive. I know I'd rather me on the ground taking pictures than in the sky as the subject of them.

Unknown said...

Spectacular stunts!
My Sky Watch Friday posts

Tom said...

Fantastic Imac....

Julie said...

Yes, such a wonderful opportunity to gather SWF images, Stewart. Isn't it amazing how many things we now notice going on in the sky above us. I have to stop along my walks all the time unless I would stumble from not looking where I am going. Great story these images tell ...

VaQueenBee said...

Very cool shots!

Photo Cache said...

This is indeed a cool way to sky watch.

Max-e said...

Nice series here Imac. This is something I have always wanted to do, but have been too chicken to try

Texas Travelers said...

Great post.
Terrific color, detail, and sharpness.
Wonderful photos.

Great SWF.

Our Sky Watch is Here.
Come visit the beach,
Troy and Martha

EG CameraGirl said...

These shots are really FUN! You must have had a great day taking these photos.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful report shots. Nice colors.

esnorway said...

nice pics have good weekend

Angie said...

Fantastic shots, Imac.I think I'll keep my feet on the ground, though.

Carver said...

Those are amazing shots. Excellent. SkyWatch from my Deck

bobbie said...

These are just sensational! Haven't seem as good pics from an air show ever.

Rambling Woods said...

We just had a show here and one sky diver's chute didn't open. It is a scary, yet beautiful thing..
Rambling Woods

marcia@joyismygoal said...

wow those are awesome!!!!!! how cool why is the smoke pink

Barb said...

How exciting! I must say that I hope I never see the day that I'd be jumping out of a perfectly fit airplane! ;)

kjpweb said...

Great skywatches! Uh - that must have been fun! Most excellent!
Cheers, Klaus

Anne-Berit said...

This is just great.But I can`t understand how they that they dare to do that!

Anonymous said...

Wow! these are really cool shots!

Cath said...

That is amazing!
I love the Red Devils. The best of the best.
Fantastic shots. And you only get one chance to get it right - then the moment is gone so that is brilliant photography to me!

Mine's up - and next week's is scheduled for 21:00 UK time but I won't be able to sign in because I won;t have internet access. Could one of the team sign me in please next week? Thanks.

Kahshe Cottager said...

Wonderful!! I can't imagine jumping out of a plane on purpose!

Have a wonderful weekend of beautiful skies!
My Sky Watch Photos Here and Here

Anonymous said...

Fabulous shots. I like them...

Country Girl said...

This is my first visit to your site and I'm sure you hear this all the time, but your photography is just beautiful. What a pleasure. And what an action-packed post for Sky Watch!!!

SandyCarlson said...

Imac, these are totally wonderful. I sure do respect what these guys do. Thanks.

Pernille said...

Fantastic shots! They must have a lot of fun:)

marley said...

I love these photos. The coloured smoke is cool! Great job :)

Jeanne said...

Great aerials and what a beautiful blue sky to highlight them.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great photos - the colours are so vivid! Your blog header photo is just stunning too!

Kathie Brown said...

Fun images and interesting composition. Red and blue-always so bright!

Tash said...

What color! fantastic photos so well captured & composed. Those moving objects are tough to capture so well

chanpheng said...

Very exciting set of photos this week!

My SWF is here, a collection of sky photos over the past week.

Jane Hards Photography said...

These are amazing catches

Lori said...

What great shots for Sky Watch! Even though I live near the 'air capital', I've never been to an air show. These pictures are fantastic and really showcase the event. Thanks for sharing!

Brenda said...

Wow, those are awesome! Love the vibrant colors.

Raven said...

What a great series. Must have been fun to watch live. Thanks for sharing the experience with the rest of us.

Ces Adorio said...

Dang! This is extreme skywatching! FANTASTIC!!!

rachel said...

great work! i love everything that is in each of the photos! very fun to look at (:

judi/Gmj said...

Fantastic, thanks for sharing your moment.

DeeMom said...

Awesome to be sure

alicesg said...

Wow very beautiful and colourful sky divres. I too had some planes in my post today but they were too fast for me to zoom on

Indrani said...

Happy sky jumping to those daring participants. My heart misses a beat just seeing the snaps.

Faery said...

For me this pictures are beautiful and make me feel like happy

HFD60 said...

Wow great photo's Imac. Imprssive Skywatch capture....

Anonymous said...

Great shot of the air show!

Hope you can hop by my SWF photos in these blogs:
Jenn Was Here
Shutter Happenings

Thanks! Happy Friday!

ancient one said...


Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Fantastic post!



Joyce's Journey said...

These are great! What fun!! Happy SWF and have a wonderful weekend!!

Fish Whisperer said...

Very cool shots Imac.

Ingrid said...

Wow I would have loved to watch this ! I missed a similar show last year in Eastbourne. Great pictures !

MYM said...

wow...that is cool!

Anonymous said...

What great photos! You caught the details and gave us a front seat view!

Unknown said...

I see that they are Manchester United fans!

Great set of photos.

Maria said...

WOW! Really spactacular pictures!

Gerald (SK14) said...

great set of photos, nicely ordered.

pts said...

very impressive!

magiceye said...

that looks lovely!

have posted a picture of a partial solar eclipse that we had in our mumbai skies today!

dlyn said...

That is so cool - love them all! Happy Skywatch Friday!

Larry D said...

Great photos! Excellent sky show, these folks have guts.Happy SWF!

Kelly said...

Very impressive and and stunning! Great photos!

Nova said...

that is soo amazing... keep posting for more..those are gorgeous.. i love your photo...

LiseH said...

WOW! Great shots!

Anonymous said...

Amazing! Nice weekend:)

Craver Vii said...

The colored smoke really does a lot for the picture. I'm glad you were there to catch it. These are really crisp, clear photographs. And the sky was perfect for you that day, wasn't it! Wow!

Marie said...

These are great :)

nonizamboni said...

Wow--phenomenal shots and quite artistic on their own. Thanks for sharing the colorful show!
Happy Weekend!

Catherine said...

WOW Imac!! Now that is a sky~watch!! Impressive captures!!
Happy sky~watching!
And enjoy your weekend!

Gemma Wiseman said...

What spectacular shots! I think I'd be shaking with excitement and my pics would all be wobbled!

Louis la Vache said...

hehehehe - You have the Red Devils; the U.S. Navy has the Blue Angels!

Re the clouds Chez Louis: nothing more serious than fog!

Christy said...

Very cool!

Lilli & Nevada said...

WOW those are fabulous Imac so clear and so close wonderful job

Digital Polaroids said...


Dirkjogt said...

An other way to look at the sky at SWF! Nice pictures, really enjoyed them. Great photoblog,will return here often!

Petunia said...

Cool and great shots!
A great SWF show! Thank you!

Petunia's ABC Wednesday/SWF post

Barbara said...

Great photos - my uncles were in the Parachute regiment during WW2.

maryt/theteach said...

Wow! What a show, imac! Great! :)

Mike's Travels said...

Spectacular shots imac. well captured.

Dragonstar said...

Perfect Sky Watch Imac! I'd love to see/do that.

Linda said...

These are very cool. The colors look great against that clear blue sky.

Jules said...

OMG..this was I want to fly:)

Jules said...

Wow - heart in the mouth stuff!!!

coolgirlsar said...

Awesome!! I'd love to see The Red Devils, maybe one day I will get time to. And my favourite is that last one. Happy Sky Watch Friday.

jules-cards said...

love the pictures Imac. Brilliant shots and captures, love to watch but my feet stay permanantly on the ground!!!
My nephew is off to join the RAF this week, he will love these pic's, maybe one day he will be a Red Devil lol

Gayle said...

What an exciting sky to capture. Thanks for visiting me.

i beati said...

excellent in every way