Thursday 17 July 2008

Achensee Austria post cont

Here's another working water wheel, this is just outside another Hotel in Achensee and the small pond (as such) contains fish too.

More later

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  1. ooooh, how peaceful! the fish photo is beautiful!!

  2. Mac: That looks like a really good fishing hole. Very nice wheel capture, Austria has great sights.

  3. Excellent post Imac... were those trout?

  4. Your pictures of Austria are wonderful! It remind me North Italy, the lakes area, or Savoie in France.
    So vast, so neat, so great!

  5. That first picture--I would have to look at it a month to take it all in. I love all those flower boxes on the building. I like the other shots as well, but that first one is so interesting--not just beautiful.
