Saturday, 5 January 2008

Swanning About

Today we took a short ride to the Rutland Arms (Dirty Duck) Pub at Woosthorpe by Belvoir for lunch, DW had home baked Ham,Egg n Chips.
I had Lame Shank with Chips n Peas. Drinks were DW Lime n Lemon
and I had a pint of Dark Stout.

We then took a walk along Granthams Canal where we came across these 2 Swans looking for food - as we walked off ours.

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  1. Swans are so elegant - even with their bums in the air! Wish I could say the same about me.

  2. That picture is so cute with the tails in the air.

  3. There certainly is something about Swans, no matter how many times I see them, or pictures of them I have room for more... that pint of Dark Stout sounded just the tonic

  4. Beautiful!

    And the weather looks so lovely too.


  5. The swans are beautiful! Glad that you were able to get out and have a nice meal and walk.

  6. so lovely the swans are.

    Tomorrow I am fixing a leg O lamb, one of our favorites...

  7. Hi! I love these photos!

  8. baked ham, egg and chips sound sooo good! cute swans!

  9. Beautiful photos of these elegant birds. Where I live in the Netherlands we have also many white swans. When I was in the UK this summer I also noticed that in Stratford on Avon the swans were there very important by tradition .

  10. The swans are lovely and catured well I might add, even after a pint of Stout :)

  11. they are so beautiful. and funny! like water ballet with their legs up in the air like that. They are so delicate and dainty.

  12. Oh, how beautiful, good shots.
