Friday, 28 October 2011

Looking up - Looking down

 Looking up at the Magnificent Austrian Alps --Looking down into the valley


George said...

Your first photo is absolutely marvelous, although I do like the village down in the valley as well. Both are wonderful images.

Anonymous said...

Wow - just stunning!

FilipBlog said...

Fantastic, I would like to be there.


Betty Manousos said...

what amazing views!
breathtaking shots!

Ingrid said...

This looks like on the way from Austria to Italy to my husband's hometown near the Garda Lake it's also surrounded by mountains.

Unknown said...

Seeing the first picture gave me a urge for some Toblerone

SandyCarlson said...

Brings back memories from many years ago. Wonderful stuff. Your images are beautiful.

Jackie said...

I love your header, Stewart. Soooo pretty.
And the photos of the Alps...sigh.
I want to go there!!!
The view that you photographed is splendid....and the photography is always splendid.

Rune Eide said...

You have a knack of making places very inviting to to visit - one more for the list :-)

Kekiinani said...

So beautiful Thank you for your comments on my blog. It is fun to see such different scenery from the tropical environment that I am in. Love all the snow!!!
Aloha, Renee :)

Rick said...

Awesome scenery, Stewart - and very well captured ! My kind of places - mountains and valleys !

Abraham Lincoln said...

You have more fab photos. Nice ones.