Sunday, 12 December 2010

Boscastle 2

This is the cafe that was completly washed away with the flood.
Reconmend a visit here if you should find yourself in Boscastle anytime.
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Lanny said...

What a pretty little place.

Rick said...

Lovely spot ... as long as the river stays like that ! Nice shot mac.

Ingrid said...

How sad ! I just wanted to have a drink in there ! Looks so cosy !

Cezar and Léia said...

A fairy tale!The house is adorable!

Anonymous said...

I have been there! I'm so glad they restored the dips in the roof :) It must be eternally summer in Cornwall!

George said...

What a pretty setting for a cafe. I'm glad it has been rebuilt.i

Betty Manousos said...

It looks beautiful!
So glad it has been restored.
Definitely a must-see.

Sorry I've been late to comment...I had a pretty hectic weekend.:(

Anonymous said...

What a lovely spot Boscastle is, I don't think we made it quite that far on our last trip. I heard about the floods at Eden and other parts of Cornwall. Hope all recover soon.