Thursday, 29 October 2009

Who pulled the Plug??

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Prasanth Iranikulam said...

it will be nice if you add some more details about that stone, location etc..nice photo

Sunny said...

That's a whopper of a stopper!
Is that some kind of anchor for a buoy?
It reminds me a bit of a grind stone.
It's a great picture.
Sunny :)

Laura ~Peach~ said...

i was thinking a wagon wheel and what a ROUGH ride lol... actually grind stone came to mind first!

Cezar and Léia said...

A man that never stop to create! Fabulous idea!

Craver Vii said...

Who forgot it there, on the side of that building? You better go put it back right now before the Atlantic goes completely down the drain!!

Tom said...

Was this left over from your days working at the Bedrock Quarry with Fred and Barny? yabba dabba doo Imac... :O)

Jackie said...

Couldn't be a man hole cover.. :))
But what a great shot.
P.S. A little tidbit. Do you know why man hole covers are round? So they won't fall in the manhold when they are removed. A square one could turn and fall in....the round one can't.
Has nothing to do with this, but you know Jackie is a donkey and must bray.
Great photography, Imac

Unknown said...

I think it is a new organic Polo. They've wasted less as they have made the hole smaller!

Staffan H said...

Isn't that a millstone? Nice capture.

Anonymous said...

Nice stone, whatever the original purpose.

Lew said...

Or is this the missing wheel from Stonehenge?

Lilli & Nevada said...

looks like a grinding stone