Friday, 30 October 2009

Birds -n - Boats

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Gerald (SK14) said...

now what's the collective noun for a group of starlings?

Rune Eide said...

I love to take pictures of birds, but in this case I love the boats even more :-)

Jackie said...

I LOVE the bird landing...
Poor little thing...I hope it landed safely...looks like it got caught in a cross wind...Those are lovely birds. I've never seen any here that look like that.

Darla said...

Great captures here! I love the waterfall photo as well..

Laura ~Peach~ said...

love the waterfalls... love the birds andlove the boats ... i finally figured out my picassa thingy... mine is half full but i also noticed alot of the pics are duplicates so i plan at some point to remove many of the duplicates... thanks for the info

Cezar and Léia said...

They are trying to catch something!Both! :)
Beautiful and creative post!

Craver Vii said...

I wonder... are they fishing for work or recreation? I have never gone through all the trouble of a boat and waders and choppy waters. For me, I find a nice little lake, and stand there with a pole, daydreaming of catching a beauty to photograph.

Craver Vii said...

Just to be clear, when I was talking about "catching a beauty," I meant "large fish." (I already have my own beauty (wife), and she is better than I deserve or could have ever imagined.)

George said...

What an interesting juxtaposition of images. I like both of them.

Tom said...

Both 'Bs' are stunning.... nice to see you have one of the Losing shields up like me... maybe next week one of us will have the Winners Shield.. :O)

Anonymous said...

I don't know where to put this comment. I do like your birds a lot, but I wanted to comment on your selection of sky shots slideshow. It's very nice to see them one after another, all in a row, to see the beauty and great variety in the sky. Well done.

Sunny said...

I always look forward to your photos. I love the action of the birds landing and the color of the water is amazing. It looks like there are a few good size swells out there.
Enjoy your weekend.
Sunny :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mac: Cool Starling shot and love the boats.