Sunday, 22 June 2008


Odd Shot. Visit Katney to see who's participating.

NO this isnt me - the morning after the night before (after the party)
And NO im not dead too.

I'm photographing Toadstools on our front lawn, as you can tell its been raining - hence the dustbin liners.
This was taken by DW - bless her.
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Pat - Arkansas said...

Love it! Thanks, Imac's DW.

So.. that's how you get some of those amazing macros! I'll be looking for mushroom photos.

Unknown said...

always the extra mile gotta love that guy !!

Rose said...

Now I kind of see what I must look like sometimes!

Katney said...

My friend, in trying to get just the right angle for a shot, has frequently had people stop to give first aid. I've not had that happen, but I can see that it could come to that one day.

Ingrid said...

How nice to collapse in the grass, lol (after a bottle of wine perhaps ?)

Kerri Farley said...

Oh Funny! This is GREAT!!!!!

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

imac ~ we all know you just had your 60th birthday party, photographing toadstools...hummmm...
likely story! fun shot!

Diane said...

O, how funny. I thought I was the only one who looked like that! LOL!!!

Paulie said...

Anything for a good photo!

Anonymous said...

this made me laugh out loud... love the explanation... without it I definitely would have assumed a night of heavy lifting at the local pub!

dot said...

Cute odd shot! Who helped you up??
Mine is HERE

Tom said...

As mad as an hatter...:O)

Craver Vii said...

I'm glad to see that other people do this. One little girl at church told me that she saw me laying on the ground outside at night. (I was trying to get an angle of a tree and the moon at night, using the ground instead of a tripod.)

Good for you and all those who do what it takes to get a good catch!

Unknown said...

They weren't magic mushrooms were they!

Or were you listening to the sound of grass growing; or a mole reading the opening chapters to Wind in the Willows?

becky aka theRAV said...

Oh, this is just too funny!

Anonymous said...

This is THE "Odd Shot" of this Monday! :-)

Have a nice week!