Thursday, 27 March 2008

Fridge Magnets Post 1

Fridge Magnets :: You know--Pictures of anything With a magnet behind them that stick to your fridges or radiators ect
Now Jessie (mum-in-law)at Canvey Island, you cant move for her fridge magnets, she has 100s and 100s of them.
Her 2 large fridges and ALL her radiators, lounge,kitchen,both bedrooms, bathroom, and even the toilet closet, full of magnets.
I thought I would photograph some of the more out of the ordinary ones than of holiday places.

This 1st post is called WINGS.

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DeeMom said...


Kerri Farley said...

I LOVE Them! They are beautiful!
I guess if she has that many she is quite the collector.

I don't have any fridge magnets on my fridge.

dot said...

Wow, what a collection! Those are beautiful!

Tom said...

I have about 5 at that is 4 to many.. ha!
No be honest I like these, and I have thought of a collection before.. but I bet these would take some beating.

Sky Watch will be up and running in about 10-15 mins..

Barbara said...

They are lovely, I can't wait to see more!

smilnsigh said...

Wow, I never have heard of that many frig magnets. All over, they would have to be. Only just so much room on the frig. :-)

Unknown said...

Our fridge has quite a few magnets on it now, but none are quite as colourful as those.

sandyland said...

There should be a fridge magnet collectors club- judged by display - so great

sandyland said...

There should be a fridge magnet collectors club- judged by display - so great