Saturday, 20 August 2011

Street Art

On a visit to Nottingham - some time ago, we came across this street Art.
I must say - its bold and very colourful.
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  1. The art is colorful, and your photo of it is great, imac. I can only wonder what the street artist does for a profession. He/She certainly has artistic talent...

  2. There's certainly a lot of talent with street art - I see they are dedicating a wall to it in Bristol.

  3. I do believe it has been painted over now and a new picture has appeared. I will have to do an update shot sometime next week.

  4. This is quite nice. You've made a great capture of this street art.

  5. There is a great controversy in our nearby city as to what constitutes street art and what is not. "Art" that has been painted over gang graffiti displays a variety of talent levels. The main criteria over whether it is allowed to stay up is examination by a gang expert from the police department to make sure it does not, itself, contain gang symbols not obvious to the uninitiated.

    My guess is that this one would stay with no question, even from the naysayers.
