Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Header Challenge 27-07-11 = B/W = by Tom

Black and white is Toms choice for this weeks Header Challenge.
Sorry to be a little later today posting - we have been celebrating Julies birthday this evening.

My Header is an unusual B/W shot called " The Long Road Home" in a negative sort, I hope that you enjoy looking at it
Negative = A B/W shot -  only the 2 colours are reversed, so making a quite a difference to the photo, I have also 3 post Negatives and 3 ordinary B/W Shots. 

If you want to see some really great B/W photos by a master, then check out

My 1st post is another negative B/W shot called - Behind the Bar.

My 2nd Negative shot is of a Butterfly

My 3rd Negative shot is called " Street Wise" this was taken in Cambridge.#]
Love those Tall chimneys. 

My 1st True B/W post is a street on the   Isle Elba Italy.
This  - as soon as I saw this street I had to photograph it,  really caught my eye, with this moped outside and the washing hanging up.

My 2nd of my ordinary B/W is a Dandelion  head  gone to seed, called
"Angel House", which makes a pretty picture.

My last of my B/W shots is the Lighthouse at St Ives Cornwall, with a super reflection and its dark sky.
Ive also put a B/W boarder around each photo.

Well Tom, I hope Ive shown some Great shots here of your choice of B/W.

Please go visit the other Head Bangers and see their take of B/W.
as always, you will find my friends on my side bar, just underneath my Header.

 Good Luck folks.


  1. All of these photos are way cool. Your header is most interesting and has so much depth! Happy Birthday Julie....:)

  2. your header is incredible. Is it your BD????? HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND! Many many many many more to come too!

  3. Ooooh, what a header. It's good to see that your photography talents are not only superb, but they are "superber" since I've been gone. (Is that a word?? :))) Hi, Mac. Jackie's back. Smiles to you, my friend.

  4. Your header is one of those pictures that makes you want to ride of down that road and keep on going! Great effect it really works well.

  5. Each of your negative black-and-white photos is fantastic. Although I like the one you've chosen as your header, any of the others would have made a great header as well.

  6. The beacon in that last shot really pops in black and white.

    Your header is like a dream, as are the other negative shots. But that header....I imagine the woman in Dave's sketch taking a walk down that lane. Full of mystery!

  7. They are all great, Stewart, but my favorite is the last one. I love lighthouses.

  8. Wonderful B&W shots. I really like the Italian street.
    ☼ Sunny

  9. Superb photography all round! Hard to pick a favorite, but I'll go with the road home.

  10. Superb photography all round! Hard to pick a favorite, but I'll go with the road home.

  11. Mac: Really enjoyed your take on this subject, These are some wonderful captures. Also enjoyed tour ferris wheel.

  12. Cool photos...

  13. I really liked the butterfly! But your trees are perfect for a header, very inviting, calling the visitor in. And I like the alley shots as well, if I couldn't live in the country I would live in a place like that.

    Now to your musical interlude - bizarre trip down memory lane! I forgot that those guys weren't big on lots of lyrics. And the hair - yikes! And the pants!

  14. Looks very post nuclear. You can't beat a bit of good old Photoshop now and again.

  15. Great shots Stewart - the b&w are outstanding and I like the 'negative' effects.

  16. You've had a lot of fun playing with all that black and white! Your pictures get more artistic by the minute...

  17. This works very well. I love the idea of reversing a B&W.

  18. I've had Italy on my mind so I was first drawn to the photo with the scooter but then I feel in love with the bottom photo. Great stuff!

  19. I honnestly prefer color pictures black and white is so sad !

  20. I think your B & W shots are great. In my opinion, B & W is underrated these days which is a pity because converting an image to greyscale can really make an image work. Thanks for sharing these.
