Friday, 1 July 2011

Capturing that drip .

Capturing that drip as it falls from the statues finger at Osbourn House - Isle of Wight.

Watching this fountain Statue for several minutes, I noticed a drip every few seconds dripping from the hand.(Just like the Statue is doing)
So setting the camera to multi fire I shot about a dozen shots off hoping to capture that drip on the hand and also as it falls.
On checking out my shots - there on the 6th and 7th shot was my Magic Moment.
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  1. Who are you calling a drip?! lol

  2. That's a nice detail. I didn't notice it at first glance.

  3. That's pretty cool! The water drops look like clear pebbles.

  4. Hi There, So glad to get home and back to blogging. We did have a fabulous trip--but home is pretty nice also!!!!!

    Fabulous shots, Imac... I love that "multi-fire" feature... Ours on the Canon is called the 'sports' feature... Same thing though....

  5. I think that horse in your header is splendid and I thought it was better than your post for today. But that's just me.

  6. You can't beat a spate of rapid shooting to get that shot. Although some photographers disapprove of the 'machine gun' approach.

  7. Great capture, though maybe you could have zoomed in more on the head and hand as the drip is a bit lost in the overall composition. just my opinion.
