Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Header Challenge 14-07-10 = Sign or Poster that catches your eye

Howdy folks, its Head-Banger Time again. My choice of theme is = A Sign or Poster - that catches your eye.

My Header is a Sign - Called  - The Dancing Girls from Skeggy.

My posts for this week are
1) As its World Cup Year - a poster -  I would like to introduce The UK Team from 1966 when we won the Cup.
2) A nice sign for the Gardeners of the World.
3) A sign for the  Business folk who think they know it all.

 4) A sign for the Sporty type, who takes it easy and has a nap.(lol)

5th) A Poster for the Arty type folk, who likes to take in a show or use their flair and create a Master Piece.
Please visit the Team of HeadBangers -( list on my side bar - just under my Header ) and leave a comment.

Good Luck to one and all.

We are looking for 2 more members  to join us as Head Bangers.
we know that you will enjoy a spot of fun and also to show off your talent.
If you are interested -- Please contact any Head-Banger.


  1. Mac: What a cool collection of signs. I guess I took it too literal and wen with words. Love the pool reflection of the girls.

  2. What a colorful sign. I love to dance too. Neat the way you captured the reflection. Great signs.

  3. I like the sentiment of the garden sign, and the playfulness of the store sign, but I think you made the right choice for your header.

  4. How'd I know dancing girls would catch your eye?

  5. Another good selection of photos. No wonder you picked this week's theme!

  6. Great signage photos and the dancing girls are great especially with the reflection that you captured.

  7. Hi Stewart, that is a great group of signs... I love the gardener one and the old Ringling Bros one.... Thanks!!!!!

  8. Dandy collection of signs., hitting home with the Ringling Bros. They originated in Baraboo, WI where a couple of the boys are from. The circus is just across the river where they used to bathe the elephants until one decided to cross the river and walk through the streets of town. Now it's all fenced in. My son's old Victorian house had Ringling Bros. posters for insulation in his attic when he bought it. Cool, huh?
    Thanks for sparking a memory.

  9. I like the gardener's sign !

  10. Neat set of pictures, the Garden advice is my favourite one!
    And that reflection in your header is awesome! Well done!

  11. Gtrat reflection in your header... and great posters in your post..

  12. Love your header
