Sunday, 13 June 2010

The Queen and Trooping of the Colour

Clever Eh!! Nar, pure luck -- as I took this photo (from the TV) they changed cameras and I just happen to snap and capture right on the change.

What a capture tho, gives you the whole picture - The Queen and the Parade.
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  1. Never had seen such a great shot from a TV set! :)
    God bless you!

  2. Hey that ones a keeper, bet your proud of it ...brilliant ,clever boy Jan xx

  3. Neat... and to think we spend so much money on photo editing programs and such to get that effect and all we needed to do was click pics at the TV screen! That's awesome!

  4. Spectacular, Stewart. Timing is everything. You are talented.

  5. How lovely! Great shot.
    Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  6. Mac: Cool capture at the right moment. Quite the game between the USA and England yesterday.

  7. Didn't see our names on the Queen's Birthday Honours List. :(

  8. wow i think this should go to some sort of photo competition, or straight to her majesty! love the shot.

  9. I think this is the best shot from a TV that I have ever seen. It definitely is a keeper. Very well done!

  10. Wow, that's an amazing shot ! what a good moment to shoot ! I missed it because I was on a round trip through Morocco and never watched TV.

  11. That is a wonderful effect. Something hard to do any more--though it was doable way back with the old cameras by double exposure.

  12. This is awesome! I've tried to take a shot of the tv before and they all looked like crap. Good thing this one turned out... there's probably a law somewhere about taking lousy pictures of the queen. ;o)

  13. ... and you were also lucky enough to use the right shutter speed. Your lucky shot is a joy to see.
