Saturday, 15 May 2010

Where in the World-------

Does the main road run right through the Airports Runway?.
Gibralter of course - The main road from Gibralter to Spain and its check-point, runs right thru the middle of the Airport.
There are plans however to make an underpass in the future.
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Sunny said...

I don't know if it happens today but way back soon as you got into Spain there would be peddlers trying to sell stuff along the road.
It's funny how we forget until we see something to remind us.
Sunny :)

Tom said...

Ha!..... I never knew this Stewart... great image... I get worried crossing train lines in a car.... but this... ha!

Willard said...

It is good to see you back and posting again, Stewart.

This is amazing about the road going through the runway!

It looks like you got a lot of good photos on your trip. I especially liked the photos of the Barbary Apes.

Gattina said...

Now that is really special !

DeniseinVA said...

I remember hearing about that road that goes across the runway. Great shot and being a Dr. Who fan of many, many years, I do love your header shot!

Jackie said...

That is absolutely frightening!...and I never knew it existed. You bring wonderment to me with every photo...
Thank you!!!
Smiles and hugs to you, Stewart.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yes--only in Gibralter... We have alot of crazy things like that though in the USA--so we may have something similar somewhere... ha

Marka said...

That is definitely unique.

Rick said...

Thanks for the info mac and the view - I never knew this.

George said...

One of the taxiways at Nashville International goes over a major highway, but this is the first time I've seen a highway crossing a runway. It's absolutely amazing.

Unknown said...

Absolutely hilarious civic planning... LOVE it!