Sunday, 16 May 2010

St Michaels Cave and Theatre.

Well, here we are in St Michael's cave and theatre (which is the last photo but be warned, you need an umbrella and something to sit on, or you will get a wet bum) with its mighty Stalactites and Stalagmites which have been here for years and years, oh 1000's and 1000's of years, better still click here for its history,lol.

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  1. What an incredible place. I am really enjoying YOUR holiday and saving a bundle of money at the same time! Haha!
    Sunny :)

  2. Stalagtities and stalagmites are awesome to behold!
    You took beautiful photos of them....I love to be in a cave and see these wonderful creations of God.
    Hugs from Jackie

  3. You've been visiting the most amazing places, I can see...
    God bless you!

  4. Hope you and DW didn't get a wet bum whilst you were there. I've been to Wookey Hole, and some similar caves in Australia.

  5. The stalagtites and stalagmites are amazing. I've been to Mammouth Cave here in the U. S., but I haven't seen anything like this. Thanks for taking us along.

  6. Fabulous cave, Stewart... The last cave I went to was Mammoth Cave in Kentucky... George and I went there in 2001. I love seeing both the stalactites and the stalagmites.

  7. Very impressive cave and interesting photos. Thanks to you I have learned something new today.

  8. Really, REALLY cool! Thanks so much for taking us with you! :o)
