Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Well its time again for the Header Challenge.
This week my Header is the Dancers.
In my posts this week we have =Dad to the Rescue = When the Cows Come Home = The Birdman.
Darla chose the theme this week = PEOPLE.
What sort of People will there be - Funny? - Sad-Happy? - Cute? - well - we will have to see.
Who will take the Gold this week??
Good Luck to All.

Please visit the Headbanger Team(on my side bar - just under my Header)and leave your comments.


  1. Nice collection of images covering different themes!
    God bless you!

  2. A right pair of 'Head Bangers' ha!...
    Seems we were thinking along the same lines this week... 'fools never differ' ;o)

  3. Good post and that header is too funny!

  4. You are a hoot. I am laughing my butt off. Very unique. I love it. What a great header.

  5. See you've blown the dust off a golden oldie!

    Good selection of other photos too.

  6. I'll have to come back later... I got the dreaded red X where the header was suppose to be. Loved all the other photos.

  7. Okay.. I have returned and saw the silly Imac and Thomas carrying on... Great Header!

  8. That was a funny header.

    That is a remarkable thing the gentleman does, that he can hand-feed the sparrows. He's a veritable Saint Francis.

  9. Mac: Fun post, love you two doing the Irish Gig.

  10. HA!! seeing this header really gave me a good laugh. Excellent shots in your post too :-)

  11. You have some great pictures of people. I must admit that the one you chose for your header gave me quite a chuckle. Is there no end to your talents?

  12. I love the one with the little boy in liederhosen (sp?) and the cow. Reminds me of my trip to Switzerland.

    Looking forward to your return after your box is all fixed and tied up.

