Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Surfing in St Ives

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  1. WoW! that's some wave. Guess that is why it is so exciting to the younger humans and they go surfing'.

    Love Granny

  2. I can hear the surf.

    Classic shots

  3. Thanks for the visit and comment on the cherry photo.

    I must say, to comment on your excellent photographs, that the lifestyle of surfing, sky diving and bungee jumping are all equally dangerous and the risk outweighs the reward. Unfortunately, there isn't much said about the sports when something goes wrong. Shark eats surfer's leg. Sky diver's chute failed to open. Bungee jumper's bungee snapped.

    So I pick cherries or did until the hurricane blew my old tree down.

  4. Magnificent waves you captured there! I hope you managed them all:-)

  5. Stunning pictures!
    Certainly I will dream about these waves and so magical beach!
    I studied French all day long and I need to confess that now, I'm a little bit dizzy but I will return here tomorrow and see more of your beautiful pictures!
    Good night dear friend!

  6. No wonder people go there surfing from all over the world.... you captured these very well.

  7. I was disappointed that you weren't on the last photo!

  8. Amazing surf...excellent pictures. I can smell the salt air!
    Sunny :)
