Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Party In The Park (4)

Here's Katherine leading (and singing) the Orchestra in the (Last Night Of The Proms Music).The flags flying and Katherine also wears the Welsh flag and she's presented with a bunch of flowers.

So we say good night to all after Land of Hope and Glory finishes.

A grand night was had by all.

Sadly we leave, folk packing up and making their way to their cars.


Why -- they will appear tomorrow night in


So watch out for a firework display in my Skywatch.

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  1. I can hear it ringing in my ears already - I think this might be your first non-spam comment today - get those others ditched before someone clicks on one!

  2. It seems to me that you had a wonderful time.

  3. Thank you for the info! I'll have a look-out for when they send that program over here - the always do and it is one of my favourites.

  4. oh how wonderful - remember little honorarium sandy

  5. Sounds like a fab evening. I'll have to see what's on next year.

  6. Thanks for letting us attend your party and all the wonderful music. Can't wait for the fireworks.

  7. Thanks for your visit to my blog Brookville Daily Photo this morning. I hope you enjoyed my post today showing the baby rabbit eating the hibiscus flower.

    I am now taking a diminishing dose of steroids for my Rheumatoid Arthritis pain and it works. I am pain free. I believe the chemotherapy drug is spelled "Methotrexate" that is used to treat a lot of things from cancer to arthritis and it has side effects that are troubling. So I need to talk to my doctor about it before I take it. Just missing a dose can be a real nightmare.

    Anyway, I wanted you to know I stopped-in to repay your visit and comment with mine.

    I enjoyed reading your blog post for today and I thought your photography was excellent and the dancer was attractive from this end.

    I don't know if you like to read or not but if you do this place is amazing.

    I just got my first shipment of used books from Strand's bookstore in New York City, yesterday. They have 18 miles of used books. Think about that. Anyway, they got here and I am totally happy with those I chose to read. I had to start out by just choosing a category, like photography, and go from there. I don't know how in the world they can keep track of so many books.

    Look up Strand bookstore or copy and paste the URL here:

  8. Excellent photojournalism on the party in the park series and I am looking forward to seeing the fireworks in your sky watch post tomorrow!

  9. Looks like a good time was had you did manage a nice photo of the back end on your first photo, Ok i couldn't resist throwing that in.

  10. Excellent series of post Imac..
    I look forward to you Sky Watch.. Lets hope it goes off with a 'BANG'
