Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Beamish - back in Time - Last Post

On our ways back t Train Station we passes t only Post Box ere in Beamish.
C'mon ladies tis not far now just over the bridge an we is there.

Ere we is folks the Train Station, an yor train go in 1/2 hour.Ope you all as add a great time ere in 1913 at Beamish an tell yer friends t come some time.Thanks fer being patient.
Well I mus go now as Mrs Bloom wants me t do a job.Byes fer now.

Thought I would just show the window in all its glory.

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  1. I thought you were stuck in sepia but saw the stained glass window and welcomed the color into my world. LOL

  2. I like the accent! Where in the U.K do you drop H's ? Very nice to see those old pictures.

  3. I just love old train stations - especially the British ones!

  4. Mac: Cool pictures again today. The sepia gave such a neat tone to this post.

  5. I sure have enjoyed the 'time travel'...but want to tell everyone to please click on that last one for sure. You just don't get the full glory of it without enlarging!

  6. There is nothing like black and white photo's. Loved seeing them.

  7. Lovely!

    Visiting Beamish was great fun, thank you for taking us there


  8. That was fun jumping back in time! And you did a great job making it interesting! Bravo! Cheers, Klaus

  9. beautiful stain glass window
    love it

  10. I'm sorry to see this great series end.. the tour guide was very good give him my regards.

