Saturday, 8 March 2008

Wild Life At Pickering N.Y. Post 1

Robin Redbreast.

The robin was outside the cabin everyday waiting to be fed.

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  1. Ohhh isn't he lovely!!!!

    Doesn't we look like cousins today, me and Robin. But, I must admit I am not a Pavarotti ;-)

    On Your comment:
    ha ha ha ha ha
    I love Your sense of humour!!!!


    are You by any chance
    related to John Cleese, or the old Monty Python gang?

    (( hug ))

  2. I love robins. They are friendly and timid at the same time. Sometimes when I am digging the garden, a robin will pop between my legs and snatch a quick worm that I've just uncovered.

  3. A great capture of one of our nicest garden birds.

  4. Imac..
    I had to comment again... I have just read Gails-Man's comment and it's the funniest comment I've seen in a while.. he should do as I do and leave his worm covered at all times... ;o)

  5. Nice one GailsMan haha
    Its the Early Bird that gets the worm.haha.

  6. I love the bird photos and the dramatic fire fighting shots in the previous post! The footprints in the sand are extremely good as well!

  7. wow your Robins are so more brightly colored than ours, still a sign of SPRING

  8. Loved the birds, but the fire shot just below has my interest now.. gonna go see what that's all about..

  9. I just LOVE your Robins! They are beautiful!

  10. Robin's are such friendly birds, and this one's obviously a poser!

  11. Splendid and very clean the photographs with the small Robin. I love this small bird for his colours, but also for the parts that get used it passes the life humble means in the undergrowth!
