Monday, 10 March 2008

More Wildlife at Pickering N.Y.

Great Tits and Blue Tits.
1st photo = "Use your loaf mate, much further and you might fall in!!"

2nd photo = "Oh crumbs, its that Blue Tit again"

3rd photo = " Wish you wouldnt chirp so loud,you made me drop me bread and frightend off ol' Blue Tit.
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  1. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    ours are gray...but still lovely birds...

  2. Very often problems with the tits...

  3. Beautiful! Mine don't stay still long enough - maybe two cats could have something to do with that.

  4. We just don't have them here. I wish we did they are beautiful.

  5. Thus precisely it is the discussion and you I again admire for the very good work.
    Most excellent the photographs of small tits.

  6. OH my goodness Imac i first seen the title i thought you were going to show us something totally different, which would of been xrated. Had me fooled . Love that last photo of the tit with its open beak.

  7. Funny and very clever story line.
    I also like the selective color on those thingies...what ever they are.

  8. Two Great and one Blue.. well caught Imac..
    Peter was sat with me yesterday drinking his coffee, we had the back door open and I was playing the alarm call for a Blue Tit... what are normally timid birds flew right down towards us to check out the call. Peter was able to get a few gtreat pictures of them.
    If you have a male Blackbird about, go on the RSPB website and play the song... turn up the speakers and get your camera ready.. our local Blackbirds compete to sing better.

  9. Pictures were wonderful...commentary was even better...LOL
