Sunday, 27 January 2008

ENTER if you Dare.

Enter if thee Dares!!
In a secret place only known to a select few - there is a Time Passage -which if you enter , Thee will turn to Stone.

Now you all know the secret where all these Stone, Bronze ect Statues come from.
It is a Top Secret that I have taken to let all know this secret, so beware,
If thee enters
Thy will be imortal for ever and land up on some property - fore ever and a day.
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  1. If I was there, I couldn't resist and try it out.

  2. Well - I cannot have entered since I look upon myself as mortal. Maybe I should look a bit closer...

  3. nice story! i'm too chicken to try i suppose, although i would not have a second thought if i smelled bacon coming out of the place!

  4. That is very interesting and i love the statue

  5. What ever medication you are on... I want some...ha! is it legal :O)

  6. I'm not reading the other comments, yet. I want to say/ask it myself... Is there a sign for a 'Security Office' showing through the trees in there????

    And after asking that, I can say, you do come up with the most original writing to go with your photos!!!!


  7. I'm sure if I dare to enter. but for sure i enjoy your shot
