Sunday, 28 October 2007

Creatures Great and Small 5


  1. Beautiful.. and may I add very tasty, my eldest lad loved these when he was younger, and I'm sorry to tell you it was cold from the fridge with a da of cranberry jelly. At one time we would always have these in the house.
    If it was not for this beautiful bird, being bred for shooting a great lot of the british country sides forests and woodlands would be lost.

  2. Fine upstanding looking fellow.

    The fool thinks the only thing humans will point at him are cameras.

  3. How beautiful he is!!! Those colors are amazing. Is this a pheasant?

  4. You right there Kerri, was in my garden.

  5. Beautiful colors.

    Boy, Tom sure is thinking of food lately. Did you see Tom Wigleys post about Jules? LOL
